Front Toward Enemy

Front Toward Enemy

This is an excellent game and each scenario adds a little more, kind of a programmed advancement in play. I really like how it handles helicopters. The counters are excellent and many unit types for each side. The maps are great as well and I love the chit activation system. I do play this solitaire, so I just play each side to the best of my abilities. I highly recommend this game!

From, one of my last game plays:

It has been a while since my last game play. I remember playing the first scenario 0-1 about three times and scenario 0-2 two times, well today I played scenario 1-1 which was a good way to learn the helicopter mechanics. I like how the scenarios progress as you go.

Scenario 1-1 was a back and forth in the beginning. The Americans managed to lose a UH-1 Hog gunship trying to support the ground troops, the VC just had some good dice rolls on that one. I used Map A, as you had a choice to use either map A or B in this scenario. The VC split their forces between the two hamlet areas, thus forces the Americans to split their forces. I am not sure if it was a good strategy for either side, as it seems like I had two separate battles going on, one in the north and one in the south, which really couldn’t support each other very well.

The VC started with a 10 point victory condition lead and early on after downing a US helicopter and causing some early casualties on the advancing American forces out in the open, I thought they would lose this scenario but I kept going and eventually tied it up in the middle of the game. Then the Americans lost a leader of Lieutenant rank, which I counted as losing an Infantry unit but uncovered a bit of Cashes and evacuated some Injured and KIA casualties for more victory points. The VC units became pretty broken or in a WIA status, so a group of them carried the casualties off the edge of the map so get some of their victory points. But still, across the maps the VC were in bad shape and mostly retreated into the jungle broken. I pulled the plug early on this scenario, as the Americans had the lead and would only get more points searching for more hidden cashes. The Americans won this scenario 44 points to 33 points. To think I almost gave up early in the game to see this reversal of fortunate.

I did play this solo/solitaire, so I adjusted the hidden rules and concealment rules a bit. It probably favored the American a bit but not enough to not play this game.

Very fun game/scenario to play. I am looking forward to playing scenario 1-2 however, as the NVA are a stronger and a better opponent, with better Fire Teams with their higher valued fire power and better support weapons then the VC. So the challenge is there!

Jay T., 01/26/2022
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