Ariete is a Tactical Combat Series (TCS) game covering the Italian Ariete Division’s defense of Bir el Gubi, Libya, on November 19, 1941. The...more info
Autumn For Barbarossa (AfB) is a Standard Combat Series (SCS) game originally published in Special Ops magazine #7 (2017), covering the struggle to...more info
Baptism By Fire: The Battle of Kasserine, February 1943 (Battalion Combat Series [BCS]) chronicles the first real ground operations by the US Army in...more info
December 1944 The first thing you notice are soldiers. Parts of commands stationed to the east. Exhausted, some frightened, men who can give you...more info
GD ’42: The Battle in the Luchessa Valley, 29 November - 4 December, 1942, covers the desperate battle for survival of the GD Division as it...more info
Hood Strikes North is the latest design in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. It depicts the desperate...more info
The Grand Tactical Series moves to North Africa! Taking the acclaimed system used in The Devil’s Cauldron, this game gives players the chance...more info
Race For Bastogne is a Grand Tactical Series (GTS) game that covers one sliver in the history of the Battle of the Bulge. On 16 December 1944, the...more info
The Greatest Day: Sword, Juno, and Gold is the first volume in a three volume series covering the battle of Normandy in June of 1944. It not only...more info
The 100 Years War was a pivotal event in medieval European history. In Warriors of God, Game Journal magazine and Multi-Man Publishing have joined...more info